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4 июля 2019 в 18:22
What is the reason of this weak half year?
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mosquito there is one reason of this "streak". It is known like a "dyriavyie prognozi"
nadasdizoltan mosquito, What does it mean dyriavyie?
mosquito nadasdizoltan, when he makes false forecasts , for his profit
Bets-Basket.B.L mosquito, это неправда. Резюме такое - сейчас неудачный период для меня в плане спортивного беттинга, но этот период пройдёт. Причины - концовка сезона, очень много невообразимых событий происходит - но эти все аргументы в пользу бедных. Оставаться в подписке или нет - каждый выбирает сам (it is not true. At this moment there is a bad time for me in terms of sports betting, but this period will pass. The reasons - the end of the season, a lot of unpredictable events occur -but it's all excuses. To stay in a subscription or not - everyone chooses individually).
nadasdizoltan Bets-Basket.B.L, Last year at the same time the situation was not the same?
Bets-Basket.B.L nadasdizoltan, such comparisons don't work in this type of situations. Each month and year is unique. And last year I didn’t give forecasts only by pinnacles/SBObet
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